The Brandys nad Labem - Stara Boleslav Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2010. We hold regular meditation sessions on the 16th Karmapa. more
The Brandys nad Labem - Stara Boleslav Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2010. We hold regular meditation sessions on the 16th Karmapa. more
The Beroun Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2015. Since then we have organized sangha lectures once a year. Besides that we have common meditation each Thursday from 20.00 pm. Twice a year we have a sangha meeting. more
The Brandys nad Labem - Stara Boleslav Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2010. We hold regular meditation sessions on the 16th Karmapa. more
The Brno Centre is the second biggest of more than 35 Diamond Way Buddhist centres in the Czech Republic established by Lama Ole Nydahl and working under the spiritual guidance of the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje. A stable meditation… more
The České Budějovice Diamond Way Buddhist Group has been meeting since 1997. Since then, we have moved a few times - one of the flats was visited by Lama Ole Nydahl. Every Thursday we hold a public meditation on… more
The Český Těšín sangha had been meeting and meditating for ten years in a private flat before purchasing a building to renovate into a Buddhist Center. We hold regular 16th Karmapa meditation sessions. more
We hold public meditations on the 16th Karmapa every Monday and Wednesday at 19:00. more
The Jihlava Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2005. At that time we did not have our own place to meditate. Since 2010, we have had our own center where everyone from the sangha can go whenever he/she wants… more
The Kladno Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 2003. Since then we have organize public lectures once a year and sangha lectures twice a year. Besides that we have common meditation each Wednesday and Sunday. more
Our Diamond Way Buddhist Center in Klatovy was founded in 2000. We hold public meditations on the 16th Karmapa every Tuesday at 19:30. more
The Kolín Diamond Way Buddhist Center was established in 2008. We have regular meditation on the 16th Karmapa for the public each Tuesday and Thursday at 20:00 and common meditation on Sunday at 20:00. You can join us and… more
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