Buddhist Center
Sylt / OT Westerland

Sylt Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Sylt Diamond Way Buddhist Center belongs to the non-profit organization of Diamond Way Buddhist Centers in Germany. It was founded in 1993 and offers public meditations on the 16th Karmapa every Wednesday. Several times a year travelling teachers visit the 15-member group for lectures and meditation courses. The center participates in the annual nationwide open-door day of all German Diamond Way Centers.

Organisation: Diamond Way Buddhism

Address: Bundsiwung 23a

Postal Code: 25980

Country: Germany

Phone: +49 4651 25196

Email: sylt@diamondway-center.org

Homepage: http://www.buddhismus-sylt.de

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/posts/?q=buddhismus%20zentrum%20sylt

Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.