Buddhist Center
Stalowa Wola

Stalowa Wola Diamond Way Buddhist Center

Founded 12 years ago, the meditation group has since grown, and now we are a full Diamond Way Buddhist center with official 16th Karmapa meditations twice a week, and Ngöndro (Foundational Practices) days. We have lectures from Polish Diamond Way teachers a few times a year.

Organisation: Diamond Way Buddhism

Address: Dmowskiego 11/1
Stalowa Wola
woj. Podkarpackie

Postal Code: 37-415

Country: Poland

Phone: 604 550 904

Email: StalowaWola@buddyzm.pl

Contact form for center: http://stalowawola.buddyzm.pl/index.php/kontakt

Homepage: http://stalowawola.buddyzm.pl/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buddyzmstalowawola/

Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.