Mainz Diamond Way Buddhist Center
We were founded in 1998 as a Diamond Way Center of Lama Ole Nydahl. It first started in a flat but grew out of it and is now situated in a very lively area of Mainz next to the Rhine river.
We are a rather cosy center but have vibrant activity with a lot of friendship inside the sangha.
Our public meditation on the 16th Karmapa takes place four times a week:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8pm and Sunday at 7.30pm.
About four times a year (inter)national Diamond Way teachers visit to give lectures and to meditate.
Furthermore, one of our main activities is to support the wonderful retreat center Altmühle in Osthofen, which is only about 40 kilometers away.
We are a rather cosy center but have vibrant activity with a lot of friendship inside the sangha.
Our public meditation on the 16th Karmapa takes place four times a week:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8pm and Sunday at 7.30pm.
About four times a year (inter)national Diamond Way teachers visit to give lectures and to meditate.
Furthermore, one of our main activities is to support the wonderful retreat center Altmühle in Osthofen, which is only about 40 kilometers away.
Organisation: Diamond Way Buddhism
Address: Frauenlobstraße 90
Postal Code: 55118 Mainz
Country: Germany
Phone: +4961318843808
Email: mainz@diamondway-center.org
Homepage: http://www.buddhismus-mainz.de
Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.
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