Buddhist Center
Gorzów Wielkopolski

Gorzów Wielkopolski Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Gorzów Diamond Way Buddhist Center was founded in 1986. The sangha meditates together three times a week. We organize meditations courses and public lectures.

Organisation: Diamond Way Buddhism

Address: Ul. Kosynierów Gdyńskich 106 A/7
Gorzów Wielkopolski

Postal Code: 66-400

Country: Poland

Phone: 0048 691 348 571 Bartek, 0048 693 18 18 12 Witek

Email: niedzwie@gmail.com

Homepage: http://www.gorzow.buddyzm.pl/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buddyzm.gorzow/

Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.