Buddhist Center

Amsterdam Diamond Way Buddhist Center

The Amsterdam Diamond Way Buddhist Centre was founded in 1996 on behalf of Lama Ole Nydahl. It has been visited several times by Lama Ole Nydahl and also by his late wife Hannah.

The centre is run by a group of around 30 volunteers and it is a living centre. There are 2 meditation evenings per week, when we do the 16th Karmapa meditation together. Due to the international character of our group, 1 of the meditation evenings is in English. In addition to our regular meditations, people do their own practice in the centre on Sundays. We further regularly have traveling teachers visiting us to give lectures.

Organisation: Diamond Way Buddhism

Address: Westerdoksdijk 709A

Postal Code: 1013 BX Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands

Phone: +316 4876 3288

Email: amsterdam@diamantweg-boeddhisme.nl

Homepage: http://diamantweg-boeddhisme.nl/meditatie-centra/mediteren-amsterdam

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DiamantwegBoeddhismeAmsterdam/

Center representatives can update the details of their centers here.